Disney's The Little Mermaid
Director Kelly Bricker • Musical Director Andrea Figueroa • Choreographer Nina Davalos
Performances October 27-29th
Rehearsals will be M, W, Th evenings beginning the week of Aug 28
Rehearsals will be M, W, Th evenings beginning the week of Aug 28
Cast Resources
Congratulations to the whole cast of Disney's The LIttle Mermaid!
Parent Only Contract Night Meeting (required - 1 hour)
Sunday, August 27 at 7pm
Location ECT Headquarters, 121 W. 1st St., Elmhurst
Regular Rehearsals
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 6-9 pm
August 28 - October 19
** Cast members may only miss three regular rehearsals that have been provided to Production Coordinators prior to auditions. This includes absences related to D205 mandatory school events. Illnesses are excused **
Rehearsals will be held at ECT Headquarters, 121 W. First St, Elmhurst
Tech Rehearsals & Sing Thru
** Cast members may not miss any tech rehearsals. **
Sing Thru: Sun, October 22 1-4pm
Tech Week: Monday, October 23- - Thurs, October 26, Times TBA
Blackhawk Middle School, 2500 S. Church Rd., Bensenville
** Cast members may not miss any performances. **
Friday, October 27 7pm
Saturday, October 28 2pm & 7pm
Sunday, October 29 2pm
Blackhawk Middle School, 250 S. Church Rd., Bensenville
Sunday, August 27 at 7pm
Location ECT Headquarters, 121 W. 1st St., Elmhurst
Regular Rehearsals
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 6-9 pm
August 28 - October 19
** Cast members may only miss three regular rehearsals that have been provided to Production Coordinators prior to auditions. This includes absences related to D205 mandatory school events. Illnesses are excused **
Rehearsals will be held at ECT Headquarters, 121 W. First St, Elmhurst
Tech Rehearsals & Sing Thru
** Cast members may not miss any tech rehearsals. **
Sing Thru: Sun, October 22 1-4pm
Tech Week: Monday, October 23- - Thurs, October 26, Times TBA
Blackhawk Middle School, 2500 S. Church Rd., Bensenville
** Cast members may not miss any performances. **
Friday, October 27 7pm
Saturday, October 28 2pm & 7pm
Sunday, October 29 2pm
Blackhawk Middle School, 250 S. Church Rd., Bensenville
About Main Stage Programming
Auditions are open to children in 5th to 8th grade who live in Elmhurst or attend Elmhurst schools.
Elmhurst Children's Theatre is an audition-based program. Not all children who audition will be cast.
ECT's sets, costumes, props and marketing are done completely by parent volunteers. As an all volunteer-run organization, our productions cannot happen without parent involvement. Therefore, one parent of each cast member is required to participate on a committee. For the safety of all involved, children who are not part of the cast (including siblings) may not attend rehearsals or accompany parents during volunteer activities. Volunteering with ECT is a fun way for parents to be a part of the production, and most parents find it very rewarding to see how hard the kids work and how passionate they are about the productions.
Elmhurst Children's Theatre is an audition-based program. Not all children who audition will be cast.
ECT's sets, costumes, props and marketing are done completely by parent volunteers. As an all volunteer-run organization, our productions cannot happen without parent involvement. Therefore, one parent of each cast member is required to participate on a committee. For the safety of all involved, children who are not part of the cast (including siblings) may not attend rehearsals or accompany parents during volunteer activities. Volunteering with ECT is a fun way for parents to be a part of the production, and most parents find it very rewarding to see how hard the kids work and how passionate they are about the productions.
Contact [email protected] or [email protected] with questions about auditions, rehearsals, registration, etc.