Elmhurst Children’s Theatre (ECT) is a 501(c)(3) not for profit, children’s theatre. Dedicated to serving the children of Elmhurst, ECT provides a unique experience in all aspects of live theatre by promoting a supportive and positive learning environment.
ECT usually produces a fall/winter main stage show, a spring main stage show, and a summer show (or double feature) each year. Professionals cast, direct, music direct, and choreograph productions. Parent volunteers produce the shows; create costumes, sets; and market the shows. Typically, children in grades 5-8 may audition for main stage productions. Vertical Divider
ECT's Unintentionally Hilarious Sketch Comedy Troupe is typically offered every fall or winter. Unintentionally Hilarious is directed by a professional comedian and theatre arts educator. Troupe members learn sketch comedy writing and performance skills, write skits, rehearse and perform for a live audience. Typically, children in grades 6-8 may audition for the sketch comedy troupe. Vertical Divider
Timing varies, but typically ECT offers fall, spring, and summer classes or camps. Professional instructors create custom curriculum for each class or camp to help children develop and build skills used in musical theatre and sketch comedy performances. The age of child who will benefit from each class/camp varies depending on the custom curriculum developed by our instructors. Various classes/camps have been available to children in grades 2-9 over the past year. |
ECT programming is available to children who live in or go to school in Elmhurst.
What should you expect when your child is part of an ECT mainstage production? Fun, lots of learning, new friends ... being a part of ECT is a great experience! It's also a big commitment for both kids and, because it's completely volunteer-run, for parents.
Our Behind the Scenes: Act One, guide answers many of the common questions we get about ECT programming. More questions?
Our Behind the Scenes: Act One, guide answers many of the common questions we get about ECT programming. More questions?